The Voice in Your Head is not You

Your inner critic—you know the one.

That voice sounds just like a "mean girl" from junior high. Criticizing your every move. Beating you up over each mistake. Rehearsing all your conversations in advance and picking them apart afterward. Shouting marching orders for every task you should be doing. It's always there, insisting that you're just not good enough. And it never shuts up.  If you could get rid of that voice, would you? 

It might feel nice to have some peace for awhile...

But no, you wouldn't. You're afraid that you "need" it—to get your butt moving. To spur you forward. To show up for your kids. To keep you from sitting there like a lump on the couch, wasting your life.   

But what if the thing you count on to motivate you—that critical voice--is precisely what's keeping you trapped and paralyzed? Addicted and unhealthy? Miserable and stuck? 

You can't get rid of the voice. But you CAN transform it!

Instead of a slave-driver, that voice can become a wise advisor that is always there for you.    
I know you have enough to do already. You don't need "motivation," more items on your to-do list, more expectations on your shoulders. Your psyche needs some space: to step into living in joy! To do what makes your heart sing! To experience beauty, connection, love, purpose, and meaning!   
And--you don't have to "earn" it. You can BE happy, right now—even though the kitchen is still a mess and laundry is piling up. It's possible, when you shift the way you talk to yourself. Everything you want in life is on the other side of those internal conversations. And these skills can be learned within just a few months' time.

Understand Yourself Now!

Welcome! I'm Bonnie.

I struggled as a mother of young children. I felt invisible, trapped in a disconnected marriage. No one knew how I felt, because I wouldn’t let it show. I came back from the brink—where I didn't even want to keep living. I never want another woman to feel isolated, that her life has no meaning. Mercifully, I learned to see myself and my life in a beautiful new way. The right knowledge, coaches, and experiences came into my life when I needed them. But my best coach of all has been my own inner guide--the part that used to be my greatest enemy: my inner critic.  

I'm now divorced, which doesn’t fit the picture I had for my life. But I now live with greater joy than I ever thought possible. My life is graced with passion, wonder, and delight every day. My relationships with my four young children are closer and more fulfilling than ever. I spent some time in a dark place, but I now know how to move through it. We all need a guide as we make our own unique journeys. You can cultivate your inner wide advisor, too!

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the MOMspiration Podcast

Need some enlightenment in your day? My podcast features inspiring poetic meditations. Find a refreshing moment of grounding and introspection.

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Self-Centered Moms: the community

My Facebook group is for women dedicated to our own development and healing. You can access my Monday morning livestream show only through this group. Come for inspiration, coaching, and connection.

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Inner Critic Intervention  

My signature online group coaching program will overhaul your inner relationship with yourself! Join training sessions every week for four months. You'll also get your own personal coaching session with Bonnie each month. You'll leave the program feeling confident in using your new skills on your own!

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Working with Bonnie truly was life-changing. I suffer from depression and anxiety, and Bonnie helped me discover ways to not only cope with the effects of my mental health, but she helped me to begin changing the way my thoughts rule my life in a way that therapy was not able to do for me. She helped me to become motivated to make changes in my life, to improve relationships, to become more patient and understanding in my dealings with others, and to reflect on my own actions and thoughts that were causing me harm so that I could change them. Bonnie is kind and understanding while knowing when and where to push to help you to discover and overcome your limitations so that you can make the improvements to your life that you feel are beyond your reach.


I haven't felt this good in about a year. Super exciting! I know the tools Bonnie helped me with have been a part of my recovery. I've learned in this past year that our emotions run so deep and have such an impact on all parts of our lives. This is something I hadn't realized before, or at least not to the degree I know now! Just so grateful to Bonnie for sharing all this information with me and helping to guide me along this path. I've been saying "no" more this month, and I think it has helped me get my life in order. I'm just SO happy! I can't express how happy I am.


I had a great experience working with Bonnie Roberts as my coach. She was very professional and every minute that we spent was productive in helping me overcome some of the roadblocks I had set up. After our first session, I immediately felt more hope that I could reach my goals. Each week she taught me tools that I could try to help me with accomplishing the things I wanted to do, and I saw results right away! This has given me confidence in moving forward and knowing that I can achieve. Even when I felt that I had fallen short of my best effort, Bonnie helped me see how much progress I had made. I would highly recommend Bonnie to anyone who wants to learn skills to improve their life, their relationships, and reach their goals! Bonnie's coaching changed my life for the better. Let me rephrase that: with Bonnie's help, I changed my life for the better!


I’ve worked with Bonnie for a few years now and I am always amazed by how generous she is with her gifts and how kind she is with her words.  She’s able to take even the most difficult situations and break them down into chunks that are able to be processed and healed.  She has a gift with words that seems to help even the most abstract concept make sense.  You will love working with Bonnie!



  • Do you yearn to stop hiding and playing small, so you can show up as the truest version of yourself?
  • Are you ready to dive deep into understanding what's going on within your psyche?
  • Are you willing to take the time and do the work to transform that voice in your head--for good?
  • Are you committed to pursuing the life of your dreams--even when it's scary or you feel hopeless that it's even possible?
  • Would you love to be a part of a community of women to connect with and grow with along this journey?

Reach out and schedule a FREE phone call to see if my coaching program is for you.

There's absolutely no pressure. Let's talk about where you are, where you want to be, and how the program can help bridge that gap. If this isn't for you, I'll let you know. I may also be able to direct you to helpful resources.  

Joining the monthly coaching program, Inner Critic Intervention, is easy. You'll schedule your first 1-on-1 coaching session with me. It's a valuable 60-minute IFS-informed (Internal Family Systems) deep-dive into what makes you--you!  

I'll let you know the day and time of the weekly group sessions. Those can be joined through a link sent to your email. Here you'll learn along with other group members, participate in processes, and get your questions answered.  

For accountability, you'll record your goals and action steps on a document that I will review with you throughout your time in the program. You can also access special resources and extra trainings when you become a member.  

Special extra! I'll give you access my 7-part video course, Life Beyond Overwhelm, as a bonus for being part of the group coaching program! Work at your own pace, and I'll be available through email or DM to support you as you're working through it. You'll love your new life free of overwhelm!  

Bonus #2! For a limited time, when you participate in the program for three months, you'll receive your fourth month for free! We'll discuss pricing on the phone. I'm looking forward to talking with you!

But what about...

Time to Level Up

How long is it going to take to see results? How much work do I have to do?  

Having a guide on this journey will speed up the process so much faster than figuring it all out on your own, and without support.  

Changing the voice in your head doesn't happen overnight, but you can shift things rapidly with the right skills and practice. You'll be in good hands with me as your guide.  

Group sessions are an hour a week. Dedicate 15-20 minutes a day for your own inner work. Stay in the program for at least four months, and you'll be astounded at the progress you'll make!  

Let's Do This!
Moving Towards Your Goal

You're not certified. I'd be better off with a therapist.  

If you've experienced severe trauma, this program is not qualified to address that. I hope you can locate an experienced therapist or counselor to help you.  

But if, like all of us, you could benefit from some intentional inner healing work and a chance to see yourself and your life in a new way, give this program a try! The accountability provided in this program is also a valuable aspect that you don't get with therapists.  

I'd be honored to be your guide in this exciting journey into yourself. You will also experience powerful support and love from the community of women you will find here!

Join the Program!
True Partnership

My husband/partner isn't supportive of me investing in this.  

I've been there! It's discouraging, but you CAN help him see the value of optimizing your relationship with yourself. Value starts showing up in your partnership, and all areas of your life!  

When your inner relationships are poor, your outer relationships will reflect that. You'll show up critical, defensive, disconnected, overbearing, or distracted. When your inner relationships are strong, your relationships, especially your marriage, will reflect that too. You'll be grateful,compassionate, positive, caring, and calm. Your partner will love getting to know the truest version of you that emerges out of this work.  

Also, you can try my program for 30 days. If you show up and do the work but it isn't for you, you may discontinue the program. It's my Love it or Leave it Guarantee! I'm confident that your growth will be so dramatic, though, that you will want to continue in the program for 4-6 months.

It's My Time!

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